
Feel free to download our online contract.
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Peekapoo Zone Puppies
6716 FM 1087 Garrison TX. 75946
(936) 205-7519

Neuter/Spay Contract
Peekapoo Zone Puppies raise only first-generation Peekapoo Puppies. We require the owner of the puppy to neuter/spay on or before six months of age or at the time indicated by a veterinarian. Our puppies are intended to be pets. NOT FOR BREEDING PURPOSES.
Possible date to neuter/spay your puppy.
In some cases, families can no longer take care of their puppy and one of their first options is to give it away to a family member. This can sometimes result in miscare of the puppy and can also lead to irresponsible pregnancies. These puppies are then given away carelessly and often end up dead, sick, or in shelters. This can go as far as to people having fun breeding our puppies without knowing the real responsibility of what they're doing, and causing dogs and puppies pain and sorrow.
This is why we encourage people to neuter/spay their puppies when they are in your possession. We know that words are not enough and now require you to neuter/spay your puppy. Consequently, when you neuter/spay you are putting and end to this sad cycle.
For the owner
It will be your responsibility to inform and prove to Peekapoo Zone Puppies that you have neutered/spayed your puppy. If you do not provide this in due time Peekapoo Zone Puppies will contact you and ask what has happened with the information required.
When you have given the receipt as form of proof that you have neutered/spayed your puppy Peekapoo Zone Puppies will then be compromised to give you the Continental kennel Club Registration form.
In regards to the registration form, the owner will be able to yield authenticity. What would happen if your dog was lost or stolen, and you had to provide proof of ownership to get him or her back? When you register your dog with CKC, you receive an official certificate proving that you are the owner of the dog. Not to mention, having a puppy birth certificate is as good as it gets.
If the contract is not fulfilled.
Peekapoo Zone Puppies requires you to acknowledge and understand the consequences of not meeting the contract needs. If you know you will be unable to abide by the contract this is the time to stop the adoption process.
All families who purchase a puppy at Peekapoo Zone Puppies shall sign the neuter/spay contract.
If you fail to fulfil the contract Peekapoo Zone Puppies will have the right to go to your house or your work and take the puppy from you. We will bring the puppy back to our installations without re-funding payment.
We will also file a civil lawsuit at the court of Nacogdoches county. The owner and co-owner will be responsible for any court fee. In addition, they will also be responsible for paying the amount of money that Peekapoo Zone Puppies will set in such claim, which is undetermined at this time. This amount is to compensate for lost time and other costs involved.